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The 2nd Album!

Hey, fellas!

Today, I’d like to tell you a bit about my upcoming album! I’m super excited to share the new music with you. I’ve been hard at work developing and arranging each of the songs, and in Spring, 2017, I’ll finally be able to show you!

There’s a lot that goes into making an album: writing the songs, choosing instruments to include, recording, mixing, mastering and finally, printing the cds and downloading the music to iTunes. Right now I’m in the process of meeting with my co-producer, Brud Giles, to finalize the arrangements before we record on December 15. It’s exciting, but also a bit… stressful? Confusing? Fast? I’m not sure I know the perfect word to describe it, but it’s some mix of fear, confusion, nerves and untamed, wild excitement.

And guess what! I want you to be a part of it all. I don’t just want you to listen to it when it comes out… it’s more fun if you’re part of the process all along! There are multiple ways you can contribute:

1. Share! Share! Share! Share this blog, share a facebook post, retweet a tweet, talk to your friends about it. Some people will be told to share but not understand the importance of spreading the word. By clicking the ‘share’ button, you are getting people hyped for the next album, and they will be ready to be emotionally influenced by the songs. They will be ready to be inspired. They’ll be ready to tell their friends about it, and the cycle starts again. In other words, you will change the world! Hit that ‘share’ button!

2. I began a crowdfunding campaign to fund my next album. Tons of awesome rewards are included, like CDs, T-shirts, even a custom poem written by me! Check it out at https://www.Indiegogo.Com/projects/tess-creasy-the-2nd-studio-album-music-guitar/x/15576015#/!


3. Follow me on social media! You will receive updates, photos and more! I want you to be a part of this amazing, butterflies-in-the-stomach process. (Facebook: https://www.Facebook.Com/tesscreasymusic/?Fref=ts; Instagram: https://www.Instagram.Com/tesscreasy/; Twitter: https://twitter.Com/tesscreasy; Website: http://www.Tesscreasy.Com/)

I’m! Really! Excited! Stay tuned for more information on the album.

Love, forever and always.

Tess <3

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